Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Monday 30 January 2012

Pulling away from the kerb

It seems today is a day of completion – 3+0+1+2+0+1+2=9…and I am slowly pulling away from the kerb…like a learner driver, but moving nonetheless.

I had a thorough cleanse this morning and sat down to meditate. Felt I wasn’t to play any music – just me and the silence. That’s when I got the numerology of the date and the sensation of pulling away from the kerb.

During September last year, when hubby and I had our most amazing holiday together…a time of creating love…I was told to disconnect from everything…which I have done.

This allowed me to flip between realities and dimensions. There were certain things I needed to go back and revisit and to clean out the last of the dust bunnies in the closet.

I’ve completed this – not to say with ascension that there won’t be any more clearing the higher I go – but for the time being I am finished with this stage.

Now that my son is sorted, I can totally immerse myself in the 5D world. Today I felt the need to connect with 5D Mother Earth and so I have sunk a thick strong root into her and connected.

I feel like a first time driver…trepidation, excitement and anticipation.

Last year I was told that I needed to extensively re-write my stories. This is the reason I have withdrawn them. I’ve been waiting patiently for the time of the re-write. The time, it seems is now. From the inklings that I’ve had, it is extensive – in fact I might as well write a new story which I will start out doing but snippets of the old will be integrated into the new.

Sound familiar? The same goes with our lives. It’s kinda like giving a new lease of life to an old couch by fixing the structure, putting in new foam and a new cover.

The white light in my head, it seems, is something many of us are finding. Pretty much like a lighthouse. Not sure what is different about it, previously being a beacon of light…suppose it has something to do with the 5D world.

And…no matter how far or not so far anyone is along the path, each one of us is a beacon or a lighthouse to someone else. There are many lightworkers whom I connect with that help me with something they’ve written or uploaded. It is a time of mutual caring and assisting. No one story or insight is the only one. We are all adding a piece to the tapestry of creation.

We all know this…but I get the feeling that it is becoming a far stronger reality which we might not have noticed before. It will be more concrete, in other words, we will actually see the effects of our light on others.

No more hiding, no more hiding and no more HIDING.

Hehe…did I emphasise that enough? I think it’s for my own consumption more than anything else.

The reason for the strong feeling of unity consciousness is that we are starting to embody it and by embodying it, others will be able to tap into it. Hence the need for the lighthouse effect.

What I am saying is not new to many of us. For me it has been a concept more in the mind rather than a knowing deep within the body. I believe that this will be the difference. Our bodies are awakening from their deep slumber to fully embrace our new existence.

it means seeing the bright side to all happenings – not that I’ve had a problem with seeing the silver lining in any given situation – but the difference is, as I said before, more concrete and you will not be able to not notice it and its effects on others.

It will not be without its hiccups, as usual...

One final thing…I was asked to keep my protective shield and flames around my body. I normally extend them out to encompass the whole of my auric field. What I did see was a veil lifting and my field had extended a further amount. It was about 100 feet in diameter. From what I understand our fields are larger than we believe, and as more inside us is uncovered, so more of our auric field is uncovered. Our fields are becoming stronger, almost tangible.

The larger template has always been there – from the days when it was far stronger – it simply needs to be unveiled as we grow in inner strength and as that occurs our connection with our field gets stronger. Is it being activated? Not sure…I think it might simply have been dormant and like our bodies is awakening. Although in the true sense it isn’t dormant, we’ve simply been disconnected from it.

Woohoo…fab times of learning ahead.