Update 2022: We are leaving NZ in March to return permanently to UK via Australia.
My married name is Karen Cottle but sometimes write under another name - Karen Pallas.
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Morocco 2015 |
My sense of humour and calm, serious nature reside harmoniously within me. I work full-time as a clinical sleep physiologist diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, leading a team of fantastic individuals. The rest of the time is devoted to travelling, socialising, writing and loving my hubby.
I used to live in Cape Town, South Africa before emigrating to London, UK for a few years, finally settling in West Sussex, England, with my husband, our son, daughter and two cats.
We got itchy feet and on 29 January 2016, I moved to New Zealand to take up a position as Clinical Physiologist with Waikato District Health Board. My husband, son and kitties joined me here three months later in April 2016. I am currently the Team Leader of the Sleep Clinic. Our daughter lives in Sydney, Australia, as does my nephew, his wife and their cutie pie little girl.
The serious bit...
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France 2014 |
During my last years of school in
Do you know the rhyme "Skinny malinky long legs, flat banana feet, went to the movies and feel through the seat"? That was me! As I was a tall gangly, decidedly clumsy, big-footed teenager (despite having done ballet since the age of 5), my mother believed that joining a modelling school would help me with my poise and elegance. It must have worked as it gave me the opportunity to do a bit of ramp and photographic modelling.
I enrolled at College to study Graphic Design but never finished. I later also enrolled to study law at University but never finished.
My working career as a legal secretary spanned twenty years until my family and I moved out of
Swellendam, South Africa 2015 |
In 2011 I obtained my Allied Health Diploma from City & Guilds London. In 2015 I wrote and passed an exam to become a credentialled and registered clinical sleep physiologist (RPSGT) with the BRPT (Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists) in the field Sleep Medicine after studying with the AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine).
Art, music, law, history, geography and medicine have influenced me. I danced for many years, played the piano and sang opera (not sure why but it seemed right at the time), rode horses, travelled extensively throughout the world, studied art and took part in sport (hockey).
It wasn't all good. I suffered with migraines from an early age. They were regular and debilitating. Through the use of EFT, I managed to clear whatever was causing them and have not had a migraine for about twelve years.
I also went through three serious health problems. The first was at the start of my spiritual journey in South Africa - I'd slipped a disc in my back and was bedridden for 6 weeks. Together with the assistance of my chiropractor and metaphysical mentor, I managed to heal without surgery, through the use of vitamins and addressing the emotions/beliefs behind the health issue. To this day I have very few problems with my back.
The second was after the birth of my son I suffered with post natal depression. I tried to commit suicide a few times, but eventually asked for help which I received from a counsellor as well as a reflexologist who used flower remedies to assist me. I had tried anti-depressants for two weeks but they made me feel so much worse, and therefore opted for a natural therapies. My sister-in-law pointed me in the right direction for which I am very grateful.
The third was when I went partially blind a few years after arriving in the UK. It came on so suddenly, it took me by surprise. Despite trying all kinds of healing modalities and remedies, with the help of my spiritual mentor, I eventually came to terms with the decision to have surgery on both eyes to regain my sight. Sometimes we need a different kind of help that goes hand-in-hand with other healing modalities.
All three occasions meant delving deep with-in, processing and clearing my emotions and beliefs. It helped me to understand how much I influence/create my illnesses.
I also have diplomas in Phytotherapy, Gaia healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Vibrational Medicine which have helped me treat family illnesses over the years.
The study and practice of tantra has strengthened my marriage - see post Karezza/Tantra/Orgasmic Meditation.
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My inner tiger and totem |
The main energy I use is that of balance, assisted very ably by the Angels of Balance. I first became aware of them during a healing session with a friend in 2001. This has helped me maintain my centre and allowed me to explore and clear issues holding me back. I have by no means perfected it as I am a work-in-progress, but have moved forward in leaps and bounds.
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Greg - Italy 2001 |
The Angels of Wisdom and Truth have also been beneficial in helping me to move forward in my life. I'd not paid them much attention before as asking for the 'truth' can be a little difficult...and as for wisdom...I felt I was sorely lacking in that department and not quite ready to acknowledge this aspect of myself.
I am an eternal optimist - I always see a silver lining in every situation. Some say I am naive and idealistic. I don't ignore what is going on, as it is good to be informed, I merely concentrate on the bigger picture which helps me to see the 'reality' of what is happening behind the scenes. I hold the vision of peace on Earth to balance the pessimism in the world. I deal with the dark or negative as it comes along but I don't allow it to rule my life.
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South of France, handfasting Sept 2012 |
On 30 March 2012 whilst in Australia on holiday (after 25 years of marriage clearing our karma) my soul-mate left hubby's body to be replaced by my twin-flame. We re-affirmed our commitment to each other and our journey forward as relationship lightbearers in September 2012 whilst surrounded by the beautiful feminine energy at our holiday home in the South of France.
I would like to acknowledge and thank those that have helped me on my journey.
My darling hubby - France 2011 |
My parents - for gifting me with life and supporting me, despite not always understanding what I do. My mum, taught me the value of heathy eating, vitamins and natural products.
My hubby Greg, and our two children - who keep me real and love me, eccentricities and all.
Ron Holt - Flower of Life facilitator (and now a director of FOL). Ron's wonderful and gentle energy made an impression. I did Drunvalo's Flower of Life workshop with Ron for a week in 1996 at
Lord Sananda - gentle, strong and supportive non-physical mentor. I first became aware of Sananda in 1997. He taught me about unconditional love. Many years later Mary Magdalene joined him in mentoring me.
St Germain - another non-physical mentor who is strong, no nonsense, cuts to the chase, and not very gentle. Something I needed this push to get me over my self indulgent stage. He continues to keep me focused and makes me laugh at myself when I get too serious.
Catherine Keattch - principle of
Angels of Balance - my impassive angelic friends who've been with me since 2001, or possibly before, but I only became aware of them then.
Andari, Jem, Jason and Lissendra - of the First Order of Lighted Love were non-physical mentors for a short while a few years ago before Athena took over.
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Greg - Australia 2014 |
During the Super Moon in March 2011 I found out that I am one of the divine sparks of the monadic entity Athena, which took me by surprise. Since then she (and later her twin-flame Aeolus) have been my source of inspiration.
Angels of Truth and Wisdom - I am at the stage that I can (nearly always) face the truth about myself and therefore more wisdom.
There have been many more teachers both physical and non-phsycal and loads of workshop - too many to mention. The above have had the most profound impact on me.
And finally, to all my very supportive family, friends and clients (who've become friends) over the years here in theUK as well as Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas and Africa . Each one of you have helped me to understand love and life. Without you I would never have grown in the way I have.
With appreciation, I thank you all.
I am no longer answering any emails, and have therefore taken my email address off this site. Many thanks to those who've written to me over the years.
Angels of Truth and Wisdom - I am at the stage that I can (nearly always) face the truth about myself and therefore more wisdom.
There have been many more teachers both physical and non-phsycal and loads of workshop - too many to mention. The above have had the most profound impact on me.
And finally, to all my very supportive family, friends and clients (who've become friends) over the years here in the
With appreciation, I thank you all.
I am no longer answering any emails, and have therefore taken my email address off this site. Many thanks to those who've written to me over the years.
hi Karen! I really like your blog :)
I can really relate to your posts :)
I thank you sincerely for sharing all of it with everyone, in my opinion theres one little thing to be added: throughout all and all material and spiritual there resides the Supreme Personality of whom we can take shelter. kudos talk to u later
Hi and very nice to meet you
I am happy that you have taken the time to read and comment.
Looking forward to future conversations.
With gratitude and love
Hello Karen
I was following one of the trails of breadcrumbs that I often find on the internet (on search leading to another) and I landed up on this, your blog site. What a surprise to find some of MY material here! So I had to stop and say thank you and also a warm "howzit" from South Africa :-)
Howzit, Zingdad. What a pleasure to 'meet' you. I do love your videos...they are so clear and concise. I hope you don't mind me uploading them...hehe...bit late to ask, isn't it? I would also like to create a link to your blog, if that's okay?
We're coming out to South Africa and Namibia to visit family in Feb/March next year...all part of the sacred union travelling. Haven't been back since 2005.
I've signed up for membership on your website...maybe we can chat more. Always good to connect with those on the cutting edge.
Heart hugs of love to you
Hi Karen
I liked your blog some time back, and decided to read it just this very moment. Wow I am so impressed and inspired. I am going to really enjoy this, it makes so much sense. I feel very sad at times and wish things did not happen the way it did for me and my family and wish I could go back and re live it again as a mom and wife.
Hope all is well, love to Greg and family
Thank you Robyn
Lovely surprise to hear from you, Robyn. Thank you for your beautiful words.
It is hard not to feel regret at times. But don't be hard on yourself, it all happens for a reason.
You have so much to offer, as your beauty from within always shone outward.
Hugs n love from Greg and I
Hi. My name is Judith. Something drew me to this site. Hmmmm. I think there is a connection, but I do not understand exactly what. I currently live in Kansas City, Mo. I was 8 years in the Caribbean. I came to the planet on the 13th of January, 1946. Peace.
Hi Judith, pleasure to meet you and welcome.
Thank you for taking the time to send me a message.
What exciting fun, as we get to know each other!
Hi Karen
I found my way to your website as I am trying to shed some light on whether the person I met was my one true Twinflame incarnated or a walk-in as I am so confused due to the circumstances surrounding our connection and now separation. I had never heard the term TF before so what I know now has been from the research I was guided to in order to survive the shock after we split. I cant seem to connect to your contact page as it just wont work for me.
Thank you for being brave enough to shed light on this topic as it is needed now more than ever I think.
How lovely to connect with you and thank you.
The TF is a difficult subject to pin down. There are so many different 'ideas' of what will/can/should happen and what constitutes a TF, which makes it very hard to find your way.
If you need to contact me, try copying and pasting my address into an email.
May you be blessed on your journey to wholeness.
Much love
Aloha and please see my inquiry, on your main page, my first introduction into submitting some rather personal but important LOVE to research, or share. please elaborate or advise...MAHALO from Kaua'i island
Wow! Thank you for sharing. I, too, am a spark of Athena. My late husband died, but I’m getting the sense that he has “walked-in” to another body. Not sure. Your story tells me anything is possible.
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