Thanks Ewa for bringing this blog to my attention :-)
There is a universal need to transform our personal demons
of fear, anger, ignorance, jealousy, confusion, unwothiness, shame... the
aspects that Jung described as our shadow; those parts of ourselves that the
conscious mind deems unacceptable. It is the parts we don't want others to know
about, and yet they appear in our dreams or manifest in exaggerated form in
those around us.

We can see clearly those aspects in others but are reluctant
to own them in ourselves. However, we only have to look into the mirror of the
other to begin to make conscious the darkness within.
If we look at what we
most despise in others, we usually see one of our own demons reflected back. We
often ridicule and criticise others who embody something we are trying to
repress in ourselves. I smile to myself when I recall a time when I heard
myself say "I hate judgemental people!" Hmmmm...
When we repress the shadow we set up a battle within, tying
up energy and resources that could be put to far better use, we block our
experience of freedom. However, when we
name and recognise our inner demons, the magic of the light in the darkness can
be released. Our demons can become our daemons, good and benevolent spirits.