I came upstairs to my bedroom and was pottering around, and became aware of a buzzing in the background. Eventually I looked up...and found a wasp kissing the ceiling as it moved around.
A wasp! What the heck was it doing in the room?
Animal symbolism of the wasp deals with:
- order
- construction
- communication
- involvement
- development
- progress
- team-work
- productivity
The wasp is very social, and has special means of communication with its family. When the wasp appears in our lives it is a message for us to consider our own methods of communication. The wasp might be a sign that we may need to express ourselves more clearly.
Because the wasp is symbolic of communication, order and productivity, those who encounter the wasp may ask themselves:
- "Are all my affairs in order?"
- "Am I aligning myself with my goals?"
- "Am I procrastinating about something?"
- "Am I keeping myself from reaching my highest potential?"
- "Am I allowing my progress to be held back by others?"
The wasp can also help in areas of building, whether it be a new home, or building on a dream - the wasp is a master architect and can guide you with the planning of any building project you have in mind.
This is so funny, as on Wednesday I was cleaning out a cupboard and found a huge bottle of Hydrangea essence which helps with focus and clarity. My writing area is surrounded by hydrangea bushes :-) Seems I need all the help I can get!
I obviously need to brush up on my communication skills and building my dream. Ya think it might be alluding to my website and new home?
Interesting! I didn't know the meanings of wasp. So what do you think the deal is with the black wasp who showed up in my car a couple of days ago? Does his color black hold meaning for his visit? As a kid, I used to have nightmares about being chased and stung by bees and have actually had them fly down my clothes and sting me when I was young. I don't mind insects and usually put them outside or move them, but bees, ummm, I have to stop myself from fleeing!
I am getting all kinds of insect visits in my car lately as you probably know....I figure the elementals are greeting me.
:-) Yes they are greeting you! Most insects, etc. have an elemental with them.
I don't believe there is meaning to the colour of the wasp - didn't know there were black wasps.
I try not to get worried about them crawling over me. I understand that I am being taught to centre my energy. If I don't...they will react to it. I've often come out of a deep meditation to find a few 'somethings' crawling over me. It ain't easy stopping that automatic reflex of the body...
And so the lessons go on...
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