Hmm….have you ever had a dragon trumpet in your ear?
Ba’shiba seems to be pretty enthusiastic about EVERYTHING I
do that is positive…and trumpets. It sorta rattles and buzzes around my body each time.
Initially I found it disconcerting…now I find it funny.
I eventually asked her why and she said it was helping to
reinforce my positive thought. Eh?
Turns out that the pitch of each trumpet rattles around in
my ole brain and body cells making them go, ‘Egads, I got it.’

She answered my thoughts…gotta watch what I think…and said she was
young. She was going to be growing with me and part of her job was to support
and protect me…although from the info she’s given me I think she might be far further
along than I am. When I asked her how old she was, she kinda gave me a feeling
rather than a number. Um…okay then very old…in fact ancient. But then she did
point out that I was too…the only difference is that I put on a new body suit regularly,
so I think I am younger…but I am not.
So us two ancient juvenile delinquents are doddering along
together teaching each other something :-)
This whole thing about getting private lessons with Vicky
has been at the foremost of my mind. I have arranged it and we start on Monday…but
for the life of me I couldn’t really give her an answer what I wanted to do.
Was it pilates, yoga, aerobics, zumba?
‘Dunno’, I said rather vaguely, ‘Maybe a mix of things?’
Ms Dragon merely says we will know what is we want. Hmm…how
do you tell someone you don’t know very well, your wacky and strange ideas of
what you want but you are not sure yourself? Anyhoos….going along with it.
Ba’shiba did mention that it would be a very intense six
months of training. Sigh…am I going to become a fitness fanatic?
Hubby thinks I am slightly crazy…but he is going with it.Suppose it is not every day your wife tells you that an imaginary dragon says she must exercise the bejeebers out of her body :-)
Hubby thinks I am slightly crazy…but he is going with it.Suppose it is not every day your wife tells you that an imaginary dragon says she must exercise the bejeebers out of her body :-)
So, during my break at work last night I had a conversation
with Ba’shiba which sorta went like this.
ME: So, is what I am doing making a difference?
BA: Yes, big difference.
ME: How come I cannot see it? I sometimes wonder if I am
kidding myself, how do I know it is having an affect? I can see in
meditation the difference in the energies but…you know…I still doubt.
BA: It is like building a house. When you dig the
foundations, you still cannot see the house. It is only once the walls are up
and the roof on that you start to get a better idea. You are digging the foundations
and will soon be laying the cement.
That gave me food for thought before my flitting mind took
off in another direction.
ME: So what is this sex thing all about?
BA: Sex is not merely sex…it is creation. Everything in our
lives is creation…every moment of every day we are creating. The energy that
you use to create your life is the same energy that you use to make LOVE…and
you can see from your world what kind of LOVE you’ve all been creating.
The matrix that you are laying is a signature, it’s a criss-cross
of energy, a single note and harmonies at the same time.
This brought me to the difference between men and women
I wanted to know why men shouldn’t and women could….because
surely it’s all the same? I understood the concept that a man ejaculating his
seed is losing part of himself but surely a woman doing the same is also losing
part of herself…and yet a woman feels energised but a man doesn’t and wants to
sleep. It puzzled me.
Ba’s answer was simple.
Men’s ejaculation carries the ‘seed of life’ in the 'nectar of life' whereas women’s
juices are only the 'nectar of life'. Men’s sperm (not the fluid) are an outward
expression of themselves…a DOing, active, out there…masculine energy. Whereas
women carry their seeds (eggs) within and they remain within until flushed out by a monthly menstruation cycle. It
is part of the BEing nature of the feminine, hidden and mysterious.
The seminal fluid of the man and the fluid of the women are
the same thing, except that a man’s carries the seeds of life in order that it may
begin new life once melded with a woman’s egg….creation.
When we come into our fully empowered human body, we will
have complete control over our bodies and women will not have a monthly cycle
like they do now, where the egg is released and if not used…flushed out of the
system. It is a waste of a woman’s ‘seed of life’ just like it is in the
ejaculation by a man of his ‘seed of life’.
In a fully empowered woman, the egg will only be released when,
by mutual consent of mind body and spirit with a partner, it is agreed they
wish to create life…not by accident or unconsciously like it is nowadays.
We will know exactly when a baby is created…and will have
been in contact with the new soul who wishes to incarnate.
A man’s seed prior to orgasm can be absorbed into their body,
thus nourishing and nurturing their body instead of it lying uselessly on the
bedsheets or inside a woman and not being used. The same goes for the egg. A
woman should be able to reabsorb the egg into her system for nourishment and
nurturing instead of being flushed out of her system.
It is not that menstruation is wrong…it is not…but women, once
fully empowered, will have the control and choice to decide when and whether to
I do know most of this, having written about this in my books. What I didn't know was the difference as to why men couldn’t and women could.
By jove, lessons in love from a dragon...and great to get confirmation.
By jove, lessons in love from a dragon...and great to get confirmation.
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