Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Friday 20 May 2011

Saying goodbye

I'm sitting here in my garden enjoying the sunshine with a large flowering hydrangea bush at my back, its branches around me as though giving me a hug.

It's been a strange week for me. Hubby started the clearing out a few weeks ago by doing a mad springclean of the kitchen and bathrooms. Then last week I felt the need to clear out all the paperwork and it brought up such a lot of memories that were released.

And now this week...I have let go of my dear old laptop and my wonderful little VW Golf, both of whom have faithfully served me for years. I came to the conclusion end of last week that it was time to do so.

I've always believed in 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Hence all of our goods in the house are old but in good condition. I never replace something for the sake of replacing it. If it works...use it.

My car is 15 years old and was a godsend for fetching and carrying children. I so seldom use it nowadays as everything is in walking distance for me - even work - and the children are grown up. A thought crossed my mind on a few occasions that maybe I need to let my car go to someone who would use it more often, but I dismissed it as I couldn't let go.

I felt the same about my laptop. Each time I increased my vibrational level she struggled to adapt to the changes around me but valiantly did what was needed.

They've both finally given up...unable to cope with the new energies that surround us in the house and I've laid both to rest. I was really upset about this, but now I'm fine.

My new notebook arrived on Tuesday after placing the order for it on Monday. I didn't expect it to be quite so quick, but here she was. I must admit that I didn't open the package for a day or two - still using my faithful laptop, who was limping along until she finally sighed and expired.

Hmm...time to get out the newbie. With trepidation I opened the package and read the instructions - actually I didn't - hubby did. He'd been itching to get his hands on it for ages. He loved the idea of 'fiddling' with it, so I left him to it.

Once she was set up I stared at her across the room for a while, slightly dubious about this stranger who had now entered my life. She reminded me of a stern teacher - hair in a bun, horn rimmed glasses, Ms Super Efficient with a no-nonsense attitude and it scared the hell out of me.

Gingerly, I attempted to make friends and started to use her. Every so often some new thing pops up which frightens the bejeebers out of me and I stare at the block of information, stupidity written all over my forehead. Hubby has often come into the room and found me frowning in concentration. He takes the notebook from me, cos he knows what that face means, and 'fixes' it for me.

I will get the hang of it...eventually...but darn...I'm feeling a bit like I'm up the creek without a paddle...and I'm also walking to work now.

I'm wondering what else will be cleared out soon?

Goodbye from me and my zooty new pal...I gotta think of a name for her.

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