I have been rather pleasantly surprised by the ease with
which I am able to expand myself, to really feel myself as part of everything in
my house. I know it sounds strange, but everything including the furniture is
part of me, as it is in my reality.
I’ve not quite hit the stage where I can do so with people.
I suppose it is necessary to practice within my own safe space before I attempt
it further.
This is a state I imagine babies are in when they first incarnate. To them we are all one. They get to realise later that we are separate and it creates a bit of anxiety.
I can see so clearly when I am in this expanded state, how I
have attracted everything to me in the most perfect way that shows where I am
on my journey. It is kind of like a roadmap that is being drawn as we move
through every moment.
It is all created through a conglomeration of who we are.
Every lifetime or aspect is experiencing something right NOW. It may seem like
we reach back in time from where we are currently experiencing life now to
release that which holds us in place but we aren’t.
I AM the past, present future me in this one space. What
happens in each of these has a ripple effect that is felt within me. I can feel within me that there is a great deal of change through my past, and future and therefore in my present. It has yet to manifest in my outer world.
Even though we are not aware of the expansion of who we are
as we trudge through life, when we are regularly able to access this expanded version of
ourself, it becomes real not only to our mind but to our bodies. The more often
we access this space, the more we understand and the more we integrate this way of being…intellectually and within our
bodies. It becomes a stronger and stronger resonance within us and therefore automatically becomes a way of being. Practice makes perfect.
I know there has been much talk about ‘three days of
darkness’, etc. I think for each of us these three days are experienced
differently. There are probably quite a few theories out there. Not having read
much lately as I wanted to experience the unfoldment in my own way, I don’t
know what many of these theories currently being bandied about are.
What hubby and I have experienced was a place of no space,
time or place, where we were within our hearts. The longer we spent there the
greater the expansion until we were part of everything. It has become something our
minds and bodies recognise. Our heart and soul knew this all along but the
rest of us needed to catch up. This was a time of darkness and welcoming of the feminine
energy. Masculine energy is like the day – vibrant and warm, whereas feminine
energy is like the night – cool and quiet...that is my take on it...I might be wrong as things are changing so much!
The culmination of this beautiful time was yesterday. It
saddened me last night to realise that today is a normal day. I suppose I have
had to experience the difference in the two states, although I am not sure why,
as I have known the other state for many years.
We will see what comes of this…will my mind and body
automatically enter this space without me thinking about it?
One curious thing I have noted is that the ‘no breath’ state
was far more prominent during our meditative time. Although I cannot say for
sure that meditation was specifically when we were together, because each state
feels meditative - even washing up! Actually now that I think about it, I realise that I am still
in that state. So maybe I will find out when I go back to work on Thursday whether
I can maintain this...or maybe I won't notice because it has simply become part of me.
I do believe very strongly that 5D is what we create as we
walk forward through our life. As we become better at our expansion of the heart the more we will see it manifest in our world. Our reality will therefore change to better express who and where we are.
We will all experience different realities as we create that
which is our heart's desire. What I do think has happened is that we now all have access to
this new world because of the flood of positive energies, even though not all will choose to ‘live’ in that world.
Hubby and I immersing ourselves in this lovely loving light
pouring onto the Earth now is/has been laying a template. Each one of us as
lightworkers has the responsibility to make sure that we embody this beautiful
peaceful energy within ourselves.
It may be difficult, but then since when has being a pioneer
ever been an easy road to walk?
By embodying the peaceful loving energy we protect ourselves
in ways we could never imagine possible. True unconditional love is the
greatest protection we could ask for.
So, if something in your life is not quite what you want it
to be, I encourage you to invite it in, sit with it in the silence of your
heart and let it tell you what is going on and why. The rewards to be reaped
from this will astound you.

Tonight we shall usher in 2013 in a state of love.
May you all be blessed with an amazing 2013…and hubby and I
thank you from the depths of our hearts for walking this incredible path with us arm in arm.
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