Our son was talking to his sister in Australia on Christmas
day. They must have been discussing when he’d be moving out and making his own
way in the world.
I heard him say, ‘I
will do so, when I know I can rely on myself.’
I felt my heart constrict as my vision changed and I found
myself looking at his energy field. Being so close to him, I prefer not to do
this because it is an invasion of privacy. It was okay when the children were
little, but unless there is a very good reason these days, I don’t do so…to him...or
anyone else for that matter. Our children have their own paths to walk and it
is not my job to interfere…it can be difficult but integrity has always been a
big thing for me.
I know over the years, many have been frightened that I might
‘see’ something that they want kept secret. I’ve always said that
spirit never reveals anything embarrassing to put their minds at ease. What I
really meant is that I have chosen not to look – that is one of my intentions
that I made – and I have kept that promise to myself. But in reality...all of us have made this intention whether we remember or not.
Will this change as we all become more transparent?
The difficulty has been that there are so many layers within
layers within layers when looking at the body and auric field, each one over layed
with bits and pieces of negative energy. One person might read one layer and
another might read a different layer. As we clear and become more transparent
it will become easier to ‘read’ someone because there won’t be so much
confusion and it will be far more pleasant to open yourself up to them.
This made me think of my job. Wiring a person up takes about
40 minutes and believe me when I say they are covered in electrodes from head
to legs. It is uncomfortable but in our 3D medical world this is the only way
we can see what is going on. There are only a few who are medical intuits. Of
course being a medical intuit is not something the medical profession believes
in. If they cannot ‘see’ it on a computer, it doesn’t exist.
As we move further into 5D it will be possible to simply
place on electrode on the heart and get a reading of everything in the body.
Eventually there will come a time when we will all be medical intuits and be
able to ‘see’ without any help, but until then we do the best we can.
Our son’s words about relying on himself really resonated
within me. We have so recently moved into an era where being reliant upon
ourself and being self-sufficient is key…and yet we are part of a community
where we are so inter-connected that we support each other.
It simply boggles the mind that there is a possibility that
we can be one big happy family of 65 Billion…or however many inhabits the world
at the moment. We surely cannot know everyone.
I am probably being too logical about this.
It was while I was pondering this that I had a bit of an insight.
It is the heart that connects us all. No matter what star nation we come from,
our hearts will always recognise each other. It reminded me of the flower of
life once again.
But once again, it is the individual human body that is different to the heart and there will be quirks that we don't know about. It is all about becoming tolerant of one another. We can still be tolerant of someone even if they don't share our ideas. It is the fear that stops tolerance in its tracks and creates judgement. As we move deeper into the new way, many more will start vibrating and expressing through their heart, rather than their heads. Imagine experiencing the mind through the heart space!
I had a dream in which I vaguely recall being taught a saying that
would ‘help’ me. Much like we learnt poetry parrot fashion at school, I was
taught this saying by a woman. She called it the Gerard saying – or that is how
I thought it was spelt. Later, once she was happy I knew it she took me up some
stairs to a bare room with four bright white walls. I stood with my back against
one of them. Displayed on the opposite wall (much like an old fashioned
projector screen) were the words, I,
Gerhard. There was another word but I cannot remember it.
I heard the word machine
in my head.
She indicated that I should start the mantra now.
My mind went completely blank and all I could think to say
was my own mantra, ‘I am 100% sovereign. I am perfect
whole and complete’ and once again my mind went blank. In the silence I
heard her say, ‘That is a very offensive thing to say.’
Surprised, I turned to look at her, but could not see her.
She had blended into the white wall and all I could see were her hands. I asked
her what was on her left hand which was facing me palm up. It was like she had
white paint on the fingers. She exclaimed that it was the make-up she had put
on this morning and she tried to brush it off. I remember feeling confused because I wondered if she really was who I thought she was. I woke up.
This reminded me of the persistent feeling that I must stop inviting entities in to help me. Surely this is giving
away our power?
Since then I have been experimenting. Instead of asking for
help I now tell myself what to do…but this is only possible if quite a bit of
baggage has been cleared.
As you know everything, including us are made up of
elementals. We are in charge. It is up to us to be in charge.
For example if your room needs clearing of a bit of negative
energy - as it is a reflection of you, ask it to clear itself and it will do
so. If your body is experiencing something not so great, ask it to let go and clear it out…and it will do so. Simple as that.
Of course it helps if you believe utterly in what you are
doing. Like when asking a child to do something, there is no doubt in your mind
it will get done and so it gets done. You don’t command, berate or threaten.
Merely ask and expect it to be done and the child reacts to your energy. This expectation comes from the heart, not
the head. If you expect something to be done and it isn’t, there is some work
to be done as there is a program running in the background of the mind saying
it is not possible.
So as you can see, you need to be in a specific space in
order for this to work. Practice makes perfect.
I have been practising this for a while and it has worked a
treat. Not with everything…but when it doesn’t work…it is up to me to clear
that which is creating the faulty program.
So…it all boils down to creating intentions. Creating the
intention that if something doesn’t turn out the way you want it, you can look
at it to find out what the block is, clear it and re-create.
The current loving energy is so very strong and open to
creating change – but you need to want to change it. Something that Jim Self
said resonated strongly. He said that all we have to do is BE. So when faced with a situation or a symbol not to your liking, have a look at what it is
that is creating the resonance within you, love it and change the energy you
feel rather than the situation. That is what mastering alchemy is all about.
The more of us that do this, the greater the changes we will
Of course, there will be reactions. I know that on occasion
when I am feeling something negative there are times that I really want to
indulge and feel it. So I give in and rant rather than do something about it. But these days the change is so
quick it does not last long. The trick is to know when to let it go.
I am also beginning to wonder if the communities where we
live are not already 5D. And so maybe the ‘move’ we think of is not a physical
move to a new home but a metaphysical move into a new way of BEing and
loving everyone whether they antagonise or frustrate us or not.

And…we are…in so many ways whether we notice it or not. The energy
these days is so different and catapulting hubby and I into a whole new way of
BEing is evidence of this. It starts out as alien and within a few days feels
so normal and part of our life.
Things are a-shifting at a rapid rate. Celebrations all round!
Hehe...Can't touch us as we soar...might get me some hammer pants!
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