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Hubby's vows to me |
Excerpt from my diary - 21-23 Sept 2012
21 September 2012
I don’t feel much like sharing lately, so I will merely say
that every time I transmute something huge for the collective…it helps me…mostly
because when everyone moves up…so do I. Service to Others always has its
rewards and I so much love and am honoured to do the job…even though at the
time it can be hard. But as the collective move up a massive jump it can be
disorientating for all of us. It is kinda like a huge wave of energy that
sweeps us up into the next vibration.
Good thing I am on holiday this time so I can relax.
22 September 2012 - hand-fasting day
We did the handfasting in clearing in the forest filled with
dappled sunlight on the edge of a vineyard. It was very quiet and peaceful…not
a soul in sight.
We’d wandered around for half an hour not sure where we
needed to be.
I’d been mulling over for days where we were going to have
the hand-fasting. We thought the beach at sunset would be nice, but as soon as
the sun starts to dip it gets really cold. I don’t remember this being so last
year, but I suppose I was being nudged to be somewhere else.
I’d started to get obsessed in the run up to this day, about
where and what until eventually Athena stepped in and said that it did not
matter where it was held, as long as the intention was there. The fairies
confirmed that everything was set up in the ‘ethers’. We did not need any
physical witnesses- as at one stage I’d wondered if we should have it in the
campsite surrounded by our friends.
No, we needed to be alone with the energy of intent from
both of us without any outer interference that witnesses would bring. Whether
this is for all ceremonies or not, I am not sure.
Athena gently reminded me that intention was everything. We
could hold the ceremony in the worst possible place and it would not be
affected if our intent held true. It is my human side that wanted the
‘perfect’ place…which is merely outer trappings. It is what we have inside that
is far more important as this is what will manifest outwardly in our
She also mentioned that in the current energy, until everyone (as in communities of people) are at a level in their energy field where they can be present at a hand-fasting (and this includes the couple not being strong enough to withstand these energies en masse) without projecting their energy on to the couple, it is best that hand-fastings are performed alone (but with those in the higher realms present). When witnesses focus on a hand-fasting, if they have their own issues about committing and being part of a relationship...it can dilute the energy of the commitment.
We all might get misty eyed when we watch a wedding...but how many of us harbour (possibly without realising it) in the back of our minds 'that it won't work' or thoughts and feelings along those lines?
She also mentioned that in the current energy, until everyone (as in communities of people) are at a level in their energy field where they can be present at a hand-fasting (and this includes the couple not being strong enough to withstand these energies en masse) without projecting their energy on to the couple, it is best that hand-fastings are performed alone (but with those in the higher realms present). When witnesses focus on a hand-fasting, if they have their own issues about committing and being part of a relationship...it can dilute the energy of the commitment.
We all might get misty eyed when we watch a wedding...but how many of us harbour (possibly without realising it) in the back of our minds 'that it won't work' or thoughts and feelings along those lines?
So for the time being it is 'just the two of us'.
I did not realise how anxious I was about this. Hubby pulled
me to one side in the morning and said it shouldn’t matter where we were. He
felt we needed to be alone and in the forest, thus reinforcing the message
Athena had given me.
In the end it was so simple and yet profound. Suddenly
everything seemed so clear. It was almost as though we’d aligned with something
Hubby had a slip of paper clutched in one hand whilst the
other held the ring. Looking deep into his eyes as he said his vows brought it
all home to me and I became very emotional.

I could see the silvery magical bonds being tied around our
hands and bodies…but as I was so focused on hubby and I, I did not notice too
much else. I suppose that is the way it is meant to be. Totally absorbed and
focused on what we are creating at our hand-fasting, knowing in the background
that everything is where it needs to be.
The words I write may never convey the pure joy and
happiness that I felt within.
It was later that I noticed the presence of St Germain who
must have been there the whole time. Once I’d seen him, he disappeared. What -
no caustic humour or quips?
As we sat toasting each other and eating, I understood that
this was part of the ritual of reinforcing what we’d finally completed on our 9
days together. The food and drink had been blessed and infused with the energy
and thus we were ingesting it and physically bringing it into our bodies. The
fairies were creating the magical bond not only of the hand-fasting but within
the bodies and energies so that we walk this road together in our intent.

Everyone was represented - I was aware of the presence of two
white horses further down the path who represented the white Unicorns, the
beautiful black horse at the other end who represented the black Shamanic
Unicorns, there were birds and butterflies everywhere representing the
elementals, the gentle presence of the trees and vineyard of the nature spirits
and the lizards representing the dragon spirit. And…of course…the Maju stone so
beautifully and lovingly carved for us.
Nature is so inspiring when we take the time out to really
spend time to relax and blend in.

What suits hubby and I will not suit another.
Our grateful thanks to all elementals (which includes the fairies), nature spirits, unicorns,
animal spirits, angels, archangels, dragons, St Germain and our guides,
guardians and gatekeepers who were present and blessed our union.
23 September
I made an essence today about
the completion of the old and the committing to something new.
I paid the bill today, before we left, for the electricity and water
consumption as well as the repairs done during the winter as some pipes had
burst. The numbers caught my attention making me smile when I saw that we had
been there for 9 days and nine was repeated in 3 places on the bill and 5s
repeated everywhere else.
So symbolic – completion and change.
It had me wondering if Fondespierre is going to be the start
of a community of sorts – 9 and 5 community and change. A few months ago I had a vision
of doing weekend and weeklong workshops there, but I did not pay too much
attention to it. Now this makes me wonder as I think about the numerology
reading that Amy did and her words ‘The
community will carry the right kind of vibration – Amy looks at the clock and
mentions that is shows 9:55 which reinforces what we are talking about – 9
vibration is all about community – global community and the 55 is dynamic
change. So it is coming!! It will be a beautiful community. There are many
sprouting up but not all carry the vibe that you would need to be part of.’
On our drive back to Calais we got lost again around the
Paris area – which is unbelievable as we have travelled this way for years and
years. It sort of reminded me of leaving one dimension/reality and having
difficulty finding our way back to another dimension/reality - as though the
entrance to this magical place is difficult to get into and out of.
On the whole journey back we saw hawks everywhere – at least
20 along the road which were either sitting on the fence, standing in a field
or diving to catch prey. There were too many for us not to feel there is a
The hawk comes to you
indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for
being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected
to the ground.
As you rise to a
higher level, your psychic energies are awakening and the hawk can help you to
keep those senses in balance. Its message for you is to be open to hope and new
ideas, to extend the vision of your life.
I also noticed, that
everywhere we went we found St Germain’s name on signs throughout France. It
seems France has a love affair with St Germain…or maybe it is the other way
round…something I'd never registered before. He has been present this whole
holiday…although not in the same way that he had been in the past. He sure wanted to make me aware of his presence.