The infinity symbol – figure of 8 – is very much prominent
these days.
My engagement ring, I discovered on holiday, is created as
an infinity symbol. I’d never really looked at it before then. One of the symbols is slightly above the other - the top symbol joined by its lower circle to the top circle of the bottom symbol.
It started off as two figures of 8 that were conjoined by
the diamond (which represents the heart). Earlier this week I noticed that it
was starting to ‘open up’/unfurl – which is the only way I can describe it. It seemed
that there was a third figure of 8 between the two which represented our
It was forming into an S shape or possibly a zigzag. The symbol that is the relationship in the middle and hubby and I on either side.
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Yesterday during meditation with hubby, I discovered that it
had lengthened into one line and when I asked why…the answer I received was a
vision of me standing on hubby’s shoulders…i.e. the straight line…as above so below.
So it seems we are lined up as one, with the three figures of eight
interconnected and exchanging energy – the
trinity. I wish I could find a picture to show what is happening and how
beautiful the flow is. What I can give you is that the energy is an intertwined
deep pink fading into a mixture and then becoming deep blue – each colour
separate and yet together. It shows that both of us are very individual and yet
we are one. (I could not find a pic with a woman standing on man's this is the next best thing)
His Earth Star chakra (within his heart) is connecting us to
Mother Earth and my Soul Star chakra (within my heart) is connecting us to the
Grand Central Sun.
Kinda like the relationship we have with Source. We are
separate individuals and yet part of the whole – even though we cannot feel it
now due to the veil.
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I assume this vision means is that as the feminine I am
reaching for the stars and the intuitive aspect of life, whilst hubby (being
the muscle) supports and grounds me so that I can soar for both of us.
It has been like this for many years, except now it seems to
be far more…and yet I cannot explain how it is far more or deeper. It feels as
though everything is finally lining up and we have opened ourselves up.
But…as I have said before…what suits us will not suit
others. There will be relationships where the female is the grounded one and
the male is intuitive. This is not set in stone because as I know with hubby
and I…the roles can change.
One of my underlying emotions since we left for our holiday
in France has been a slight fear of loss. Separation anxiety is not something I
suffered with when it came to soul-mate hubby. But with my twin – I am more
conscious of it. This is a core issue of the separation that happened millennia
I am also aware of putting a foot wrong…and messing the
whole thing up. Intellectually I know it is impossible to do so or to lose him
again…but emotionally this core issue is really pulsing through my every day
As a result I find myself not fully immersing in the loving
relationship…kinda waiting for the clanger of him disappearing.
As twin-flames we separate to learn and understand, and so
the deep wound created by this separation is one that I need to accept…but I
pussy foot around it. Hubby does get distressed when he hears this, as he says
there is no possibility of this ever happening. Yeah, well…my emotional wound
tells me different and until I have embraced and loved this wound…it will
continue to poke its nose into my business.
I am reaching the stage where I really need to address it in
order for me/us to move forward into change. I also know that when the time is
right…it will happen. But until then our 5D community living will remain elusive;
until we can raise our vibration to fully embrace this new aspect of living…
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Oh my, I’ve been searching for interlocking infinity symbol
and came across this beautiful piece of flower of life jewellery…and I realised that we are
all creating an interlocking of the hearts on a larger scale to create the
beautiful community…each relationship so very different from the next…and yet
with the same underlying love.
That is a beautiful piece of jewellery, Karen :) You are doing so much important work here and are such a courageous soul to work through these issues. Love to you
Thank you, Sue.
Without you, this would not be possible.
My deep love and gratitude
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