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"We live in illusion and the
appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you
understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you
are everything. That is all." - Buddha
It is at this stage that I wish I could remember what Aeolus
showed me one night in a dream. It had something to do with hubby and I…and the
fact that we are something more than twin-flames. I remember seeing a flame and
getting an understanding as the flame did something...but that is all.
I’ve done a Google search, on the odd occasion when I’ve
thought about it, to see if I could get any more information but essentially
came up with twin-flames all the time, although once I did see a twin ray, but
I cannot say for sure that this is what he meant.
I keep asking for the info again, but I reckon I am not
ready to understand any of it as one of the instant feelings I had was ‘WOW’ and then – ‘that’s impossible’. What I do know is that as we move forward in
our relationship, we are anchoring and cementing the changes which will be
mirrored bit by bit in the outer world.
As I move through the days ahead, it will become far clearer
what I was shown and then finally all will fall into place.
I suppose what it boils down to is flexibility in our
As the layers are cleared away our knowledge expands and
thus we start getting the bigger picture…almost like zooming in on one specific
thing and slowly moving back so slowly but surely we see the larger picture and
it all comes into perspective.
So often I’d get information that seemed rather
contradictory and yet when I’ve waited with patience to get the full picture,
everything eventually made sense.
Flexibility is a word I have heard constantly since I
started on this journey. In order to move forward in our understanding we need
to be flexible as rigidity itself keeps us in one spot. There is a difference
between being flexible and the flightiness of flitting from one thing to
another without really understanding.
I looked up the dictionary meaning of both words
Flexibility - responsive
to change; adaptable
Flightiness - not
serious in content or attitude or behavior
I don’t think I’ve ever been flighty – spontaneous but never
flighty…although I might have been in my younger days as a teenager when it came to boyfriends.
I suffer with pig-headed stubbornness at times but I always
get the rug pulled out from underneath me if I hang on to something too long,
so I’ve learnt the hard way not to be inflexible.
Last night when I could not fall asleep after a long 10 hour
shift…I found my mind drifting again to the question. I decided to ask Ba’shiba.
All I got was a vision of her and Venrida, black and red dragons facing each
other as though a mirror reflection and merging into one. Hmm…didn’t really
answer the question although it did jog a memory of the flame that Aeolus
showed me splitting apart and coming together.
Ba’shiba and Venrida then faced each other again as a mirror
reflection but this time as they moved together it was as though Ba’shiba was
moving behind a mirror and slowly she and her reflection disappeared until
there was nothing but the empty mirror.
Then I heard the words, ‘You
are everything, you are nothing’.
Oookay…still trying to figure it out this morning I did a Google search and found this saying
"We live in illusion and the
appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you
understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you
are everything. That is all." - Buddha
I’ve needed some time out lately from all this esoteric/metaphysical
I’ve kinda felt like I’m in overload and even though I’ve
continued writing, I’ve only given myself a one to two hour slot for doing so.
Every so often I want to race ahead and finish it, but I’ve been really strict
with myself.
I’ve barely read any blogs at all, mainly because I will get
sucked into the whole thing and I ‘know’ I need this time out to integrate all
the colossal changes going on.
It’s like going for a jog and forgetting everything around
you. It helps put things into perspective otherwise I land up being like a dog
with a bone, gnawing away at it and not getting anywhere.
It happens quite regularly…I reach a plateau where I can
integrate everything and be quiet without distractions. It is happening so fast
these days that I need time out more regularly than I did before. It gives my
body a chance to catch up.
Do I get insights? Yeah sometimes, but mostly it becomes so
well integrated within me that it simply becomes part of me and I don’t notice
it. In the old days I used to ask for signs of the changes, but nowadays I
don’t bother. I trust that whatever I’ve integrated is part and parcel of what
I will be facing in the near future and I’ve been given the tools to deal with
So can I write down anything that has changed? No…only cos I
don’t know what they are at the current minute. But it does become clearer as I
write daily.
What this foray into the past is doing is to show me how we have
all had the grandest and most amazing visions held in our hearts that are
coming into fruition, but maybe not in the way we expect. Always expect the
It has also shown me how much faith I’ve had in myself,
despite my doubts…and it is this underlying unshakable faith that has got me to
where I am now.
It gives me goosebumps when I think about how much has changed…and
that actually my dream is far grander than I’d ever have believed possible.
I figure this must be so for all of us. Which I suppose
makes sense as we have no idea what our HS knows or what the big picture is. It
is kinda like zooming in on something and not being quite sure what it is or
whether it makes sense. As we zoom out we get to see more and the bigger
picture starts to make sense…and so our truth and beliefs change.
If I can do it…anyone can. Not one of us is more special
than another. We all contribute to the larger picture.
Phew…if my picture is as grand as this…imagine what all of
us collectively are creating…
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