Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Friday 16 December 2011

Working together

How bizarre…my son has, this week, landed a job up at the hospital. In all envisioned scenarios for him, working in a hospital environ was not one of them. His gatekeeper mentioned this would happen but I didn’t necessarily believe it. Well…okay, I always take everything with a great pinch of salt.

Anyways, after chatting to his gatekeeper it seems it was destined and being held off until the time was right. It seems that we both need to hold the balance there as some huge break through is going to be made. The Queen Victoria Hospital has always been a ground-breaking hospital.

It was the first place to do skin grafts on pilots who’d been burned during the Second World War. A link to Wikipedia’s explanation Guinea Pig Club. Years ago when I first started working with the sleep unit we used to hire three bedrooms from the McIndoe Surgical Centre. This is where the so-called ‘guinea pigs’ were housed and operated on. There was/is a great deal of spiritual activity in the place and I ‘saw’ quite bit while working there at night.

The Greenwich meridian line runs straight through the hospital. The surgeons always joke about operating with one foot in the eastern hemisphere and the other in the western hemisphere.

So…two lightworkers at the hospital. I often wonder if there are more that I don’t know about. Maybe there is, each with their own tasks.

The Sleep Disorder Centre is moving back to the hospital on 29 December and will be opening again on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012, when my son starts work too. I had a walk around the ‘new ward’ a few weeks ago and was surprised to find that it had a good feel to it. This ward that we are moving into used to be the Jubilee ward for the elderly. I figure there must have been quite a few deaths there and yet it has a light and airy feel to it.

Death is nothing new to a hospital. It is full of old stuck energy and spirits. With two of us, it will make the work load lighter and more powerful. My son is going to have his work cut out for him when it comes to transmuting. With his clucking momma at his side, he’ll be okay :0)

I suppose the medical world needs lifting into the new reality too.

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