Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Thursday 14 January 2016

Manifesting something different

I'd accepted a role scoring and reporting on sleep studies at a hospital in Yorkshire two days a week from next week.

But...I must admit I've had reservations. It means sitting in front a computer interpreting squiggly lines for eight hours a day. Not my idea of fun.

I much prefer the active hands-on patient interactive part of sleep.

This was in the back of my mind the whole of this week, so much so that I put out the intention that if I was meant to do this, I'd have a sign.

Yesterday morning I kept looking at different trains to and from Yorkshire, my finger hesitating as it hovered over the booking. Eventually I decided to leave it and wait to see what happened.

In the afternoon I got an email from the agency advising that they'd just received another placement actually doing what I love to do. It was also up north working either 3 or 4 twilight shifts.


I had a phone interview with the cardio-respiratory manager this morning and it appears that it is just what I was looking for. She asked if I have lung function testing skills - which I don't - but I have been doing a course over the last few months about it.

This also answers my thoughts that I need some hands on training along with my studies.

As much as I was stressing and having a hissy fit, it seems everything is unfolding as it should and that the delay in getting my visa and leaving the country has been fueled by this somewhat unconscious desire.