Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Friday, 30 September 2016


This morning I felt the need to put Blurred Lines on and actually listen to the lyrics watching the video. Curious to know why the video and words were slightly off-putting, I looked up the lyrics and found out that it is about -

Wasn't September a hoot?

Well, hasn't September been a hoot?

Many of the days (numerologically-wise) have been triple numbers too to add to the whammy that has been this month.

The month ends with a black moon tonight - lol - remember I might be a day ahead of you and in the future already!

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Gay Pride and Rocky Horror

We went to the lauch of the Hamilton Pride Festival a couple of weeks ago. A happy night filled with dancing, cabarets and jokes.

It's an underground movement here in Hamilton, which is largely a rural community  Being gay here is not quite as accepted as it is in the cities. But having said that, there is a gay pub opening in the next month on the main street.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Job satisfaction

I really enjoy my job. I enjoy the fact that I hold a safe space for people to explore making a difference in their life...and I get paid to do it.

Job satisfaction is always important. Being in service as a wayshower takes many forms. Mine is to hold a safe space for others. I don't ram my opinion down their throat, I simply explain what is happening and why and leave them to make up their own mind. I know some physiologists are very...um...forceful and this can piss someone off something terrible. I've heard some of my colleagues called some very choice words, lol!

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Relationships in all shapes and forms are being thrown into the spotlight these days.

Reckon it's got something to do with the lunar eclipse and all that other stuff that is so prevalent in September, forcing us, whether we want it or not, to take note of our inner prejudices and negativities. You know, those thoughts and feelings that are floating around creating havoc in our lives that we are unaware of...or maybe are aware of and couldn't be bothered to do something about.

Walpurgis Witch Dance 2016

How cool is this. A different version of belly dancing and the shimmy belt.

Reminds of my belly dancing days, but we never dressed up as witches!

Saturday, 17 September 2016

I've done it again

A song was playing on the radio today.

I've never been one to take much notice of lyrics but sometimes the words penetrate my foggy consciousness and I try to figure out what is being sung.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Safer hours

The RMOs here in New Zealand are campaigning for better rostering of hours. I know it was something of a problem that the UK is trying to sort out as well.

Would you want a doctor to tend to you or your loved ones when they are so exhausted/overworked that they cannot function properly?

Safer hours - NZRDA

Here today, gone tomorrow

Oh no!

Beyonce is gone. We've not seen or heard her this week. I've even checked in the trees regularly, but no, she is not there. I'm hoping she is not in someone's pot, but rather decided she wanted to go walkabout and explore the world.

Which has sort of put a bummer on our happy days. She'd become a part of our lives as she strutted around the garden, clucking contentedly. We were even thinking of finding her a buddy to be feral with.

Beyonce is/was a chicken with attitude, who took no nonsense from the cats of the neighbourhood and brought a ray of sunshine into our lives every day, in spite of her disdain of us mere mortals. A very capable chicken indeed who will be sorely missed.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Turning things around

On reading Jennifer Hoffman's Energy Report for September, I realised how far we've come.

Sometimes you need to go back to discover just how far.