I was busy reading a blog today and came across Power Animals Unleashed.
Thought I'd give it a try and voila! this hit the nail on the head - it is exactly what I am working towards.
The Horse
You are most fortunate to have the horse spirit within you, for she has many things to teach you and many blessings to share.
The horse will show you how to balance your caring nature and deep love for others with your equally deep need for freedom and independence.
There will be days when she shows you how to relax fully, first rubbing against your loved ones, then just standing in the shade of the tree and munching the apples as they fall. Abundance will be yours, as she teaches you that a peaceful and centered life provides what is needed, like apples falling from a tree on a perfect summer’s day.

And through it all, she will show you how to stay deeply centered in the moment. She will teach you to live without worry or regret, your heart free of blame. Breathe in her spirit and she will bring you fully into this moment and all that it contains, where you can balance beauty and duty, freedom and togetherness, all in perfect joy and harmony.
What a blessing to be a horse!
Lovely! Couldn't get a better description.
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