I'm sad today. I booked Traevis's ticket back to the UK. Truthfully I've been putting it off, but no more procrastinating!
He's woken with a sore jaw the last two mornings, the odd tummy pain, so despite his smiley face, I reckon he is feeling it too. To be expected as he's always been with us and now he is setting out on his own on the other side of the world. Thankfully he has some good school friends, one of which has offered him a home and will be collecting him from Gatwick.
I got bitten by a white tip spider last week which was as itchy and sore as hell. The following morning it was the size of a 50p coin and all blistered. I just rubbed some alcohol wipes over it daily. It's no longer itchy and the blisters are gone, but still red. Greg got stung by two wasps today while working in the garden.
Energy stings! I assume it has something to do with getting the energy moving.
I found a Weta in the shower one morning. Didn't even see it when I climbed into the shower, it was only when I turned around to turn off the water, that I realised it was there, probably because it was walking across the shower floor toward me with purpose. Kinda freaked me out, cos it's a big ugly thing and not what I expected to join me in the shower!
I scrambled out yelling for Greg, who happened to be in the garden feeding Beyonce.
The Weta climbed under the shower door and was wandering up and down the edge. I kept an eye on it, until Greg came in with a tea towel and cup. Bloody thing was tenacious. I saw him jump when he tried to pick it up with the tea towel. It's got quite the pair of mandibles on it and from what I understand can give a painful bite.
Nature is trying to bring something to our attention. May have a look at some stage.
These two eclipses sure have squeezed us all. From what I understand, last year we had 4 huge energy waves of change. This year it will be 22 - 22! This is according to Steve and Barbara Rother. I can well believe this. 5D harmonious living means adapting the mind and body, cos that ain't how we've lived in the past - disharmony being the name of the game in 3D.
Imagine. Last year ended with a bang and this year has started on a less than salubrious footing and continues with the trend.
There are so many friends and family both close by and far away that are struggling their way through the energies we're being bombarded with. None of us are alone in this struggle - it is worldwide. We are trying to adapt to something that is an unknown, many of us doing so blindly. Sometimes we'll get it right, sometimes not. It's all part of the steep learning curve.
Greg and a few others read that the Waikato DHB hospital is the biggest tertiary hospital in Australasia. We service a very large area, and quite a few patients travel from outside the Waikato to ED to get help. We cannot turn them away once they walk through the door.
Everything we do is free. I've often had patients asking (both here and in the UK) asking how much it would cost them for diagnosis and treatment.
Nothing...nada. That is what national healthcare is all about.
"All we ask is that you use and look after the equipment we give you. If you decide to stop treatment, the machine must be returned to us". That in itself can be a struggle. I don't know how many patients have walked off with a machine and we've never heard from them. The cost of trying to get the machine back far outweighs the time and effort spent.
But that is a side effect that we put up with in order to make the roads safer from sleepy drivers and to save the DHB the future cost of health deterioration due to sleep disordered breathing. I don't think people realise how much sleep deprivation and sleep disordered breathing impact upon the body, which will eventually break down if this carries on year after year without treatment.
Ahh...while writing about this I get a phone call from a heavy duty licence driver, as I'm on call. The NZTA are very strict about these kinds of drivers. If diagnosed with OSA they have to be treated and annually compliant in their use otherwise their licences are revoked. This also goes for bus drivers, train drivers, forklift drivers, taxi drivers, couriers, etc. Basically anyone who drives for a living. The patient broke his machine last night as he was turning over. I asked when he could come through to collect a new one. His answer is, "I will fall in with whatever is convenient with you, as you are doing me a favour."
Gratitude goes a long way, but it isn't always so.
There is a huge P problem in NZ. Those that use it are unpredictable and aggressive. We've had a few coming through the door and like all in the medical professions, we are here to help others, no matter how awful they are to us. We've put in place guidelines and protocols for dealing with these difficult situations and sent staff on courses learning how to deal with conflict and confrontation.
The Sleep Clinic does not have it as bad as ED, but we do have our fair share.
Sad isn't it, that those helping others are exposed to abuse from the very person (or the family of the person) that they are helping.
Oh and our neighbour is still screaming her lungs out at her kids. It's kind of at odds with the leafy tree lined family suburban image.
I walked into the laundry one afternoon to start the washing machine and spotted a police woman sitting on the fence staring down the alleyway behind the house. I said hello and she indicated to keep quiet gesturing down the alleyway.
I go to the kitchen to tell Greg.
Next thing we see her on the other side of the house staring through the wooden fence at our swearing neighbour, who by the way, now has a sleep-out in the garden for her tattooed swearing friend to live in. Yee gods, the trailer park is growing! The two of them had a screaming match at each other one day a few weeks ago.
How on earth did this kinda thing insinuate itself into our pretty quiet life?
The policewoman moved up and down the fence quietly for about 15 minutes before suddenly legging it down to the bottom of the garden where the compost heap is, disappearing behind the garage.
In the meanwhile two police cars pull up outside in the street and three officers get out and go into our neighbour's garden. She comes out asking them, "what the fuck you doing circling my house?" She has voice so loud that it's impossible not to hear what she is saying. Reckon she'd do well in an arena without a microphone!
Anyways later on the policewoman who was in our garden came over and explained that they were looking for the boyfriend who drives a black Audi. We thought he was in jail, but it seems not.
All fun and games here. Lol, we leave a busy little island populated with 65 million people where we never locked our back door, to a sleepy little island in the back of beyond to find...this.
He's woken with a sore jaw the last two mornings, the odd tummy pain, so despite his smiley face, I reckon he is feeling it too. To be expected as he's always been with us and now he is setting out on his own on the other side of the world. Thankfully he has some good school friends, one of which has offered him a home and will be collecting him from Gatwick.

Energy stings! I assume it has something to do with getting the energy moving.
I found a Weta in the shower one morning. Didn't even see it when I climbed into the shower, it was only when I turned around to turn off the water, that I realised it was there, probably because it was walking across the shower floor toward me with purpose. Kinda freaked me out, cos it's a big ugly thing and not what I expected to join me in the shower!
I scrambled out yelling for Greg, who happened to be in the garden feeding Beyonce.

Nature is trying to bring something to our attention. May have a look at some stage.
These two eclipses sure have squeezed us all. From what I understand, last year we had 4 huge energy waves of change. This year it will be 22 - 22! This is according to Steve and Barbara Rother. I can well believe this. 5D harmonious living means adapting the mind and body, cos that ain't how we've lived in the past - disharmony being the name of the game in 3D.
Imagine. Last year ended with a bang and this year has started on a less than salubrious footing and continues with the trend.
There are so many friends and family both close by and far away that are struggling their way through the energies we're being bombarded with. None of us are alone in this struggle - it is worldwide. We are trying to adapt to something that is an unknown, many of us doing so blindly. Sometimes we'll get it right, sometimes not. It's all part of the steep learning curve.
Greg and a few others read that the Waikato DHB hospital is the biggest tertiary hospital in Australasia. We service a very large area, and quite a few patients travel from outside the Waikato to ED to get help. We cannot turn them away once they walk through the door.
Everything we do is free. I've often had patients asking (both here and in the UK) asking how much it would cost them for diagnosis and treatment.
Nothing...nada. That is what national healthcare is all about.
"All we ask is that you use and look after the equipment we give you. If you decide to stop treatment, the machine must be returned to us". That in itself can be a struggle. I don't know how many patients have walked off with a machine and we've never heard from them. The cost of trying to get the machine back far outweighs the time and effort spent.
But that is a side effect that we put up with in order to make the roads safer from sleepy drivers and to save the DHB the future cost of health deterioration due to sleep disordered breathing. I don't think people realise how much sleep deprivation and sleep disordered breathing impact upon the body, which will eventually break down if this carries on year after year without treatment.
Ahh...while writing about this I get a phone call from a heavy duty licence driver, as I'm on call. The NZTA are very strict about these kinds of drivers. If diagnosed with OSA they have to be treated and annually compliant in their use otherwise their licences are revoked. This also goes for bus drivers, train drivers, forklift drivers, taxi drivers, couriers, etc. Basically anyone who drives for a living. The patient broke his machine last night as he was turning over. I asked when he could come through to collect a new one. His answer is, "I will fall in with whatever is convenient with you, as you are doing me a favour."
Gratitude goes a long way, but it isn't always so.
There is a huge P problem in NZ. Those that use it are unpredictable and aggressive. We've had a few coming through the door and like all in the medical professions, we are here to help others, no matter how awful they are to us. We've put in place guidelines and protocols for dealing with these difficult situations and sent staff on courses learning how to deal with conflict and confrontation.
The Sleep Clinic does not have it as bad as ED, but we do have our fair share.
Sad isn't it, that those helping others are exposed to abuse from the very person (or the family of the person) that they are helping.
Oh and our neighbour is still screaming her lungs out at her kids. It's kind of at odds with the leafy tree lined family suburban image.
I walked into the laundry one afternoon to start the washing machine and spotted a police woman sitting on the fence staring down the alleyway behind the house. I said hello and she indicated to keep quiet gesturing down the alleyway.
I go to the kitchen to tell Greg.
Next thing we see her on the other side of the house staring through the wooden fence at our swearing neighbour, who by the way, now has a sleep-out in the garden for her tattooed swearing friend to live in. Yee gods, the trailer park is growing! The two of them had a screaming match at each other one day a few weeks ago.
How on earth did this kinda thing insinuate itself into our pretty quiet life?
The policewoman moved up and down the fence quietly for about 15 minutes before suddenly legging it down to the bottom of the garden where the compost heap is, disappearing behind the garage.
In the meanwhile two police cars pull up outside in the street and three officers get out and go into our neighbour's garden. She comes out asking them, "what the fuck you doing circling my house?" She has voice so loud that it's impossible not to hear what she is saying. Reckon she'd do well in an arena without a microphone!
Anyways later on the policewoman who was in our garden came over and explained that they were looking for the boyfriend who drives a black Audi. We thought he was in jail, but it seems not.
All fun and games here. Lol, we leave a busy little island populated with 65 million people where we never locked our back door, to a sleepy little island in the back of beyond to find...this.
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