Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Respectful tact pays off

I view the improvements going on within the Sleep Clinic as a microcosm of the current/future improvements going on in the world.

The red-tape and bureaucracy of the hospital has always had us scratching our heads with its complicated pathways of getting anything done. The Sleep Clinic used to mirror this, but is now flowing better and is completely transparent.

I do believe that the transformation within our department will slowly seep out into the hospital. We are seeing the bone rattling transformations starting at the top with the forced "resignation" of the CEO with the current Board Chairman under the spotlight. The corruption of the old boys' network exposed for all to see.

Of course there is opposition, this always happens when radical change is introduced. I saw this in the Sleep Clinic. What has surprised me the most is that which I thought was a big wall of rock hard resistance, turned out to be all hot air, a gentle push with positive energy making that wall crumble with a puff. It's almost as though the elementals themselves have changed to accommodate the new energy of community. It's all an illusion.

Oh boy! Did the team put me through my paces once these walls were down. But I kept the vision of what I wanted in the forefront of my mind and it eventually paid off.

I have an incredible team who, after a shaky start of testing me to the limits, have really stepped up to the plate. The lack of a box-like structures, had some reacting like a toddler pushing the freedom boundaries, not showing up by simply taking days off without letting me know, calling in sick at the drop of a hat or arriving late within no explanation, whilst it had others cringing in fear and worry, constantly criticising and resisting the changes. Each one lashing out in a way that was part of the emotional make-up of where they were at that specific time.

On every single occasion I stepped in and up, taking charge, leading by example from the front. I had to gently coax into being all that they are in a way that wasn't too alarming, approaching them in the same way I did with my two children. Gentle loving, constant focus on the positive reinforcement of every person in (and outside) the team. I came near to breaking point regularly, but thankfully I have a hugely supportive husband, who encouraged me to follow my dreams of creating a harmonious empowering atmosphere for all to work within.

One of the team observed that I have a passion for my job. She also wondered if I ever went home, cos she'd come in and I'd be there and when she left I was still there. Lol

My enthusiasm took a while to seep into their core. Each one has been given a chance to voice what their interests are within Sleep, and encouraged to upskill in their passion. Individually and collectively these different streams of passion will benefit us all.

The changes within the team members has been remarkable as I watch their passions coming to the fore. Their enthusiasm really gladdens my heart, brings tears to my eyes as they step up to the plate, owning their visions. In return I make sure I am mirroring back to them, their beauty, giving them a safe space to use their initiative, make suggestions and reward them for their hard work. And the biggest transformation is the harmonious air of co-operation from ALL.

Hang on a minute...I'm not all sweet, sugary and patient "love in a bottle". I do have a scary look that comes out sometimes when I reach the end of my tether (which isn't often). Because it's not a normal look for me, it seems to hit home harder. Both my kids have perfected that look - it gets results lol.

The team have yet to see that side of me. Haha don't want to frighten them, but truthfully I haven't reached that place where I've needed to.


Negotiating with the upper managerial hierarchy to get what I want for my team has been a lesson in tact.

I could and still do sometimes, see there are those in meetings who persistently hang on to old bitterness, using the outdated method of pushing and bullying to get their way. I don't rise to it, but simply love them in their confused impression of how things should be. A few of my team have been at meetings. I think they may have thought I was a pushover giving in to the tantrums of others.

I am now reaping the benefits of never rising to the bait. The air of co-operation is slowly becoming the norm.

I was going to write about a particular incident with another manager, but won't as it's all my stuff anyways. So writing about it will simply make it seem like it's someone else's fault. It isn't, as it was something I invited into my reality. What this showed me is that I am the master of everything and no matter how ugly things may turn, I can change it through my own energy, evidenced by an unexpectedly good outcome.

That in itself has been a very very good lesson.

You know what I just realised after reading this through? My confidence has grown. I now recognise that it was always there, the self assurance, but it was covered by the emotion of fear. The fear of not being good enough, fear of authority, fear of not meeting expectations. That has all gone and in its place the Authentic Me who has come out to play. Yes, I may make mistakes in the future, but I know I won't retreat back into my shell, lol, although I may want to. That door is shut.

This is the future coming into our present reality. What a fantastic place to BE.

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