The stress of waiting is making for a tense filled hospital. Everyone is second guessing what may come through the doors at any time night or day and how it will play out.
We watch with concern the stories pouring in from overseas of overwhelmed and understaffed hospitals trying their best to cope with the influx of COVID patients.
Hubby is everywhere in the hospital, bolstering spirits with his dad jokes and positive attitude, acknowledged during the week by one of the Charge Nurses when she gave him an award and jelly beans as a gift. He is both pleased and embarrased. He pulled the crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket for me to read.

Since he started working at the hospital in 2018, I've heard the daily stories how, with his quick quips and silly stories, he puts stressed patients, their families at ease, making the medical staff laugh after a long day. He is happy to do lighten the load for a brief second as he wheels patients from one department to another, whether for dialysis, chemo or simply for x-rays.
He loves what he does and it shows. My hubby has always been good at putting people at ease, one of his super power gifts. He is also super fit walking about 10 kms or more every day.
Despite this he is not a pushover as some patients and staff have discovered. I sometimes cringe lol.
My light duties are over after Easter weekend and I am back to full time from Tuesday. My appointment with the fracture clinic on Wednesday will hopefully confirm that I can take off this Moonboot, hand back the crutches and shower chair.
Greg has been a star. He was literally doing everything in the beginning, but as my wrist heals and my leg is less sore I am able to do more.
We are very blessed in this country that we have ACC who look after us. I suppose it's a bit like the UK's National Insurance. They've paid the balance of my salary for the 22 hours per week that I am at home and supplied me with taxi chits so I can travel to and from work without depending on Greg. Although truthfully I've not really NOT worked as I have a work mobile and laptop at home.
There have been occasions that I have gone in to work simply for moral support which I think is very important, although I'm not much use to anyone with bruised wrist and broken ankle.