Portal opening

Ramblings about life . . .

What I share about my life is simply to help reinforce the understanding that it is possible to live with love and laughter, even with tough times.

Life is what we make of it, no matter how harrowing. We accept and embody this with-in ourselves, thereby allowing the energy to manifest outwardly in our reality.

It starts with each one of us as an individual to form the collective consciousness.

Be the dream.

We honour the light and the life within you.

I upload other bloggers' posts and then delete after a month. This is my journey and others help me understand where I am, until they become irrelevant (a few posts excepted).

Saturday 3 September 2011


Well, haven’t we had an eventful two days :)

Yesterday I went to see my beautician of many years – a young woman now in her late 20s - wonderful girl. She and I get on really well and for the first time I find myself loyal to someone because of this. I was determined to hang on to her for eternity. All her products are organic, which made me even more determined.

I’d noticed this last time that when I called to make an appointment she didn’t seem to be her normal bubbly, efficient self. She never came back to me to confirm and then didn’t give me the address of where she’d moved to – very unusual.

She’s been having a hard time lately trying to find where she fits in and as a result has moved three times.

When I arrived she really looked heavy and down. The latest place she has moved to is so detrimental to her energy and she explained that since she’d moved in she’d realised it was a huge mistake. She has decided that instead of being self-employed she is going to work for someone else. She has applied for a permanent position with a chain that runs spas all over the world. It seems they snapped her up immediately and she is moving to Guildford which is too far for me to travel to see her.

She was relieved but also so sad about losing all her loyal clients and I think she was particularly worried about letting us know that once again she was moving.

She was so disturbed that she didn’t do her usual good job, which I found out when I arrived home and checked my undercarriage. The extended bikini wax is definitely not extended, so much so that I am going to have to do some yanking of my own. Erk…can’t think of anything more painful, except giving birth.

Secondly, my son very casually dropped into conversation with me last night that he was sleeping in our bedroom. Eh?

‘Well, mom,’ he said, ‘I don’t think it’s right that anyone else sleep in your bed except me.’

Ooookay, so let’s go back to the beginning. Over the summer holidays many parents have been away on holiday without their sons, leaving them to ‘house sit’. As a result quite a few of them would move in and ‘look’ after the house. I knew this but never really thought any further about it. None of the parents had complained or mentioned any problems.

It had briefly crossed my mind to let my son know that I don’t want anyone in our room, but had forgotten, until he mentioned this. Well of course, the universe will make sure that it is sorted properly, wouldn’t it?

Turns out that he is giving his room to another of his friends who is staying over – yes I knew that this teenager was staying, but it seems that the other three beds are being taken up as well, including hubby’s study which has a sofa bed in it.

Hmm…still figuring out whether to tell hubby now or later when we are in France :)
*shrug* What can I say - I have to break things to him gently at times.

I don’t have an issue with this, because I know all the boys who are staying – they regularly live at our house.

When we first left our daughter at home alone at the age of 17 about 5 years ago, she had quite a few friends stay and decided one night to have a party with a few select friends. They moved all the furniture that was downstairs to the upstairs rooms.

Unfortunately for her, some gate crashers heard about it and she had a flood of people into the house which she initially thought was great until the back door window was smashed and the one and only dry wall in our house received a punch and a great big hole appeared. The final straw was when the bench outside was broken and one of the panels of the wooden fence collapsed.

She lost it completely (so she told me later) and kicked everyone out except her friends. Between them they pooled their money and called a glazer to fix the back door and a plasterer to fix the hole in the wall. Once this was done she called me in France to let me know the ‘bad’ news. I found it quite funny, but hubby was so upset he went into a depression for a few days.

It irked him that his beautiful daughter had disobeyed his instructions about not having a party in the house. He couldn’t see past this to the fact that all of us as teenagers have done stupid things – it is part of growing up and hey, how many of us can hold our hands up and say we still don’t make mistakes at our age. She’d also taken it upon herself to fix everything up so it didn’t cost us a penny. She did take responsibility for her actions which impressed me the most.

When we arrived back, hubby was in a better humour and the two of them fixed the fence and the bench. He then made her go to each one of our neighbours and apologise for the noise of the party, the broken bottles in the street, etc.

This time our neighbours are forewarned. They are all great people, many of them with their own teenagers. They’ve got our contact numbers.

It remains to be seen whether my son rises to the occasion like his sister did, if anything happens.

Ouch - to read any comments on Lightworkers.

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